2006年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群
英語 / English
講師・スタージ ドナルド 2単位 前期 月(1・2) 医(放検)
The primary aim of this course is to improve the student's ability to communicate in English in a variety of formal and informal situations.
There will be lectures, video presentations, and reading and writing exercises, but the main focus will be on speaking and listening exercises. Class presentations will be an important component, and students will be expected to speak in class and to prepare written summaries of oral presentations given by other students.
Students who complete this course will have experience using English to describe orally and in writing experiences and opinions of themselves and others. Oral presentation exercises should make students more comfortable in public speaking. In addition, students should have increased confidence in their foreign language ability because they have followed a course given by a foreign instructor entirely in English.
1.Course Outline
3.Discussion on Selected Topic(s)/Video
4.Class Presentations/Summarizing
5.Class Presentations/Summarizing
6.Discussion on Selected Topic(s)/Video
7.Discussion on Selected Topic(s)/Video
8.Mid Term Exam
9.Class Presentations/Summarizing
10.Class Presentations/Summarizing
11.Discussion on Selected Topic(s)/Video
12.Discussion on Selected Topic(s)/Video
13.Discussion on Selected Topic(s)/Video
14.Class Presentations/Summarizing/Course Evaluation
15.Class Presentations/Summarizing/Course Evaluation
16.[Note: This schedule is tentative and may be modified due to class size or other factors.]
Listening中心, Speaking中心, Reading中心, Writing中心
There will be teacher handouts and text materials created by students. Students may also be expected to purchase copies, of newspapers for class activities.
Class presentations and written summaries of presentations, oral/written examinations and participation will be used for evaluation. Tentative evaluation scheme: Presentations=30% (3 X 10%), Examinations=20% (2 X 10%), Participation=50%.
→コンテンツサーバ (EDB/CMS)
スタージ(総合科学部1号館 2303, 088-656-7134, dws@ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp)
 オフィスアワー: 水曜日16:30-17:30 または 応相談
Class structure depends on the number of students enrolled. It may be possible to divide the class into smaller groups to facilitate conversation activities.