2006年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群
英語 / English
助教授・坂田 浩 2単位 前期 月(9・10) 医(栄B)
This class will give students practical experiences and knowledges with a focus on English presentations.
In this class, students will learn how to make a presentation in English. Presentation topics will be shown in the first class, but students will be asked to make a presentation as a travel cordinator about "A Wonderful Travel in this Summer Break." As a support for the presentation, students will learn: (1) useful expressions for effective English presentations, (2) how to collect useful travel information and (3) how to use PowerPoint as a supporting tool of their presentation.
Students who complete this class should feel more confident for speaking and writing English and better be able to do a small research and organize their thoughts on their topic.
1.Week 1: Introduction, Group Making and Team Building
2.Week 2: Basics of English Composition (1)
3.Week 3: Basics of English Composition (2)
4.Week 4: Presentation Organization & Video Watching
5.Week 5: Presentation Organization & Introduction
6.Week 6: Presentation Organization & Topic Development
7.Week 7: Presentation Organization & Conclusiion
8.Week 8: Presentation Organization & Discourse Marker
9.Week 9: Mid-term Quiz & In-group Presentation
10.Week 10: How to Collect Travel Information
11.Week 11: How to Use PowerPointa Effectively
12.Week 12: Presentation Preparation (1)
13.Week 13: Presentation Preparation (2)
14.Week 14: Presentation Preparation (3)
15.Week 15: Final Presentation (1)
16.Week 16: Final Presentation (2)
Speaking中心, Writing中心, その他
飯泉美恵子,T.J. Oba,「初めての英語プレゼンテーション」,ジャパンタイムス,2003年
Instructor will introduce useful Web infomation.
Attendance (30%), Self-evaluation (10%), Mid-Term Quiz (15%), Presentation Assessment by Audience (20%), Presentation Assessment by Instructor (25%)
→コンテンツサーバ (EDB/CMS)
坂田(総合科学部1号館南棟3階 1318, 088-656-7199, kobayasi@ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp)
 オフィスアワー: Monday from 12:00-12:50
Students missing more than 4 classes will fail.