1. | Guidance |
2. | Chapter 1 Y So Lonely: 78 Small Differences (Rapid Reading) |
3. | Chapter 2 Seeing Double: Like Two Peas in a Pod (Scanning 1: Overview) |
4. | Chapter 3 Beautiful Swimmer: Chesapeake Bay--Crab Heaven (Scanning 2: Menus) |
5. | Chapter 4 Ready for Mars: The Red Planet (Scanning 3: Announcements) |
6. | Chapter 5 The Art of Blogging: Jump on the Bandwagon (Scanning 4: Instructions) |
7. | Chapter 6 Health, Drink and Stress: A Couple of Drinks Does You Good (Scanning 5: Tables, Charts and Graphs) |
8. | Chapter 7 Bungee Jumping: The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush (Scanning 6: Forms) ( ) |
9. | Mid-term Exam (Chapter 1-7) |
10. | Chapter 8 Toxic Time Bomb: Deadly Waste (Skimming 1: Overview) |
11. | Chapter 9 Saddam Ruins Iraq: The Beautiful Wetlands (Skimming 2: Invitations) |
12. | Chapter 10 Flexible Gaming: PlayStation Portable: Handheld Entertainment System (Skimming 3: Advertisement) |
13. | Chapter 11 Killer Waves: Tsunami of Destruction (Skimming 4: Notice) |
14. | Chapter 12 My Bones: It's a Touchy Subject (Skimming 5: E-mails) |
15. | Final Exam (Chapter 8-12) |
16. | Review |