2007年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 |
英語 / English |
発信型英語 / Communicative English |
[旧カリキュラム] 授業科目名: 英語(2), 分野: 英語
講師・スティーヴンズ, メリディス・アン 2単位 前期 火(7・8) 総(自A-1) |
授業の目的 |
To develop listening and speaking skills through purposeful interaction. |
授業の概要 |
The class will begin with a listening exercise. This will be followed by an information gap exercise to be completed in pairs. Homework will be set each week |
到達目標 |
Students will develop confidence in oral communication and refine their listening skills. |
授業の計画 |
1. | Personal Information, Asking for Information |
2. | Describing Things |
3. | Making requests |
4. | Giving Instructions |
5. | Review and Consolidation |
6. | Asking for Permission |
7. | Making Excuses and Giving Reasons |
8. | Test Units 1-7, Giving Opinions |
9. | Comparing Things |
10. | Review and Consolidation |
11. | Giving Advice and Making Suggestions |
12. | Talking about Experiences |
13. | Inviting |
14. | Making Predictions |
15. | Review and Consolidation |
16. | Test Units 8-15 |
教科書 |
Fifty-fifty Book Two, W. Wilson & R. Barnard. Pearson Longman 2007 |
成績評価の方法 |
Speaking Tasks, Homework, Tests |
対象学生 |
自然A-1 |
WEBページ |
→コンテンツサーバ (EDB/CMS) |
連絡先 |
スティーヴンズ(3319, 098-656-7133, meredith@ias.tokushima-u.ac(no-spam).jp) |
受講者へのメッセージ |
Punctuality and regular attendance are extremely important. Students are expected to communicate actively with all members of the class in English. |