2007年度 総合科学部 人間社会学科 欧米言語コース 言語表現サブコース 学部課程 — 2年(後期)
2007年度 総合科学部 人間社会学科 欧米言語コース 言語コミュニケーションサブコース 学部課程 — 2年(後期)
現代英語演習II (その2)
講師・スタージ ドナルド 2単位
This course introduces topics of general interest and gives students a chance to express their opinions orally and in writing. Formal and informal oral expression exercises are designed to make students comfortable speaking in front of a group.
Class themes include: contemporary issues, media reports, personal experiences.
A considerable number of the marks given in this course is for participation in class. Good attendance is essential.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have experienced a course given entirely in English and will have practiced reading authentic English texts and using English to discuss a wide variety of topics in formal and informal situations. They will also have researched and delivered oral presentations and led classmates in a seminar setting.
1.A series of in-class oral presentation activities provides a basic structure.
2.Depending on class size, there may also be lectures, note-taking exercises,
3.listening comprehension excercises and videos.
Participation (50%) Class Presentations (30%) Oral/Written Exams (20%)
→コンテンツサーバ (EDB/CMS)
スタージ(総合科学部1号館 2303, 088-656-7134, dws@ias.tokushima-u.ac(no-spam).jp)
 オフィスアワー: 水曜日16:30-17:30 または 応相談