2010年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 発信型英語

English / Communicative English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『発信型英語 / 発信型英語』

非常勤講師・ポンド クリストファー


 火(1.2) 工((建B‐2)2年)




In today's globalized society the ability to communicate effectively in English is becoming more and more important. This class helps students to develop their communicative ability through the use of in class communicative activities around different, everyday topics. Students will also be given the opportunity to increase other skills such as reading ability, grammatical knowledge, listening skills and as well as build their level of vocabulary.


This is a communicative style class. Students will be expected to take part in various pair-work and small group activities such as role-plays, discussions and information-gap tasks. There will be a short homework activity each week that is necessary preparation for the following week's class. The mid-term and final exams are open book and will also involve pair and group work.


1.By the end of this course students will have gained the communicative ability, vocabulary, listening skills and grammar necessary to take part in discussions on everyday topics.


1.Introduction to the course, course outline and requirements.
2.Getting to know you talking about you, friends, family and neighbors
3.The way we live talking about people, places and lifestyles
4.Lets go shopping (1)
5.Lets go shopping (2)
6.What do you want to do? talking about plans, ambitions and feelings
7.Tell me what its like (1) talking about traveling and living in another country
8. 〃
9.Mid-term review and open book test
10.Famous couples talking about celebrities
11.Scared to death talking about experiences
12.Things that changed the world talking about history
13.Earning a living (1) talking about jobs
14.Earning a living (2) talking about jobs
15.Final exam
16.Review and feedback


Weekly attendance, active participation and homework are an important part of this course. Students are evaluated as follows: Attendance, participation and homework 50%, mid term test 15%, final exam 35%


Allowable if the student has attended more than 2/3 of the classes and has a score of 50% or higher.


New Headway 3rd Edition Pre-intermediate STUDENT BOOK, Liz and John Soars, Oxford University Press, ISBN-13: 9780 1947 15850

