2010年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(前期)

英語 / 基盤英語

English / Basic English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『基盤英語 / 基盤英語』

非常勤講師・早内-プリングル ジュディス


 金(3.4) 工((電C)1年)




To give students opportunities to develop their English abilities through the exploration and discussion of a variety of themes. Students will develop their real-lif communicative skills while expanding their vocabulary, grammar ability and fluency. A textbook will be used along with other media forms. Practice in the four skills reading, writing, listening and speaking will be provided during class and through homework.


Students will be expected to speak and write only in English during class. They will be expected to work not only in class, but also outside. There will be homework and they are expected to do it even if they are absent from class. The following class schedule is tentative and only shows the general contents of the textbook used in this course. It may be modified due to the size of the class or other factors.


Make the most of all opportunities to expand your horizons, and especially when communicating in another language.


1.In today's globalized society, English has become the common language of communication and is necessary to gain more knowledge of world events, and process information. This class requires students to put their skills into practice, and in the process increase fluency and confidence in using English while also increasing vocabulary and polishing grammatical skills.


1.General Class Guidance; What is engineering?
2.Units 5 & 6: What is it made from?
3.Units 7 & 8: A picture is worth a thousand words; Getting away from it all
4.Units 9 & 10: The car's a star; Made by hand
5.Presentation 1: Invention
6.Unit 11: Did you read the instructions?
7.Units 12 & 13: Safety first; Are you sitting comfortably?
8.Mid-term Evaluation; Mini Presentation 2
9.Units 14 & 15: Small is beautiful; Big is best
10.Unit 18: Gadgets
11.Units 19 & 20: Bridging the gap; Bridge disasters
12.Units 21 & 22: Ancient structures; Do you understand?
13.Units 23 & 24: How do you say⋯? Where have I heard that name before?
14.Units 25 & 26: What's your number?; It's all just numbers; Presentation 3: A Fantastic Product
15.Presentation 3: A Fantastic Product; Final Exam


The Mid-term and Final evaluations are an important component of this course, but weekly attendance, active participation in class work, and homework completion are even more important. Tentative coursework evaluation: Weekly class participation, assignment, and homework (60%), Mid-term and Final Evaluation (40%).


Allowable if the student has attended more than 2/3 of the classes and has a score of 50% or higher.


Lindsay White, Engineering Workshop, Oxford University Press ISBN0-19-438827-1




オフィスアワー: juditheph@yahoo.com Please contact me via e-mail when consultation is necessary.