英語 / 基盤英語
English / Basic English
平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『基盤英語 / 基盤英語』
准教授・座喜 純
水(7.8) 医・歯((医c·(歯·口)B-1)1年)授業の目的
This class designed to give more good assistance in developing Basic English abilities in general. Especially, It will focus on Grammar guidance, Listening, Reading and Writing skills.
Classes will be running in only ENGLISH language for more practices chance. There is no specific text book but there will be some other media selected up to date. Grammar basics,Listening and Reading practices will take place during the class hour.
Asking questions in class is very important.
1. | You will gain more skills as much as you do efforts to practice. |
1. | Overall Guidance |
2. | Clip 1 |
3. | Clip 2 |
4. | Clip 3 |
5. | Clip 4 |
6. | Clip 5 |
7. | Clip 6 |
8. | Clip 7 |
9. | Clip 8 |
10. | Clip 9 |
11. | Clip 10 |
12. | Clip 11 |
13. | Clip 12 |
14. | Clip 13 |
15. | Clip 14 |
16. | Review |
Attendance and Participation in class
There is no make-up examination for this course.
There is no specific text book but there will be some other media selected up to date.