2010年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 発信型英語

English / Communicative English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『発信型英語 / 発信型英語』

非常勤講師・早内-プリングル ジュディス


 火(1.2) 工((化A-1)2年)




To give students exposure to and practice with the speech and presentation process from initial information/idea gathering to the final presentation. Students will learn how to build a speech using writing skills, information collecting skills, etc., and learn how to effectively present their ideas after preparation and on a spontaneous basis.


English speech and presentation Notes: 1. Students will be expected to speak and write only in English during class. They will be expected to work not only in class but also out of class; there will be homework and they are expected to do it even if they are absent from class. 2. Students will be expected to make short presentations on current topics of their choice using media such as the internet on a rotating basis throughout the semester. 3. The following class schedule is tentative and only shows the general contents of the textbook used in this course. It may be modified due to the size of each class or other factors.


1.In today's globalized society, English has become the common language of communication and is necessary to gain more knowledge of world events, and process information. This class requires students to put their skills into practice, and provides tools to increase fluency and confidence in using English.


1.General Class Guidance; Introduction to the elements of spoken presentation.
2.Posture & Eye Contact; Informative Speech
3.Making Visual Aids
4.Explaining Visual Aids
5.Introduction to the Story Message
6.Demonstration Speech
7.The Introduction
9.The Body
10.Transitions and Sequencers
12.The Conclusion
13.Performance; Group Presentation
14.Final Presentation.
15.Final Presentation


Final speech presentation and composition is an important component of this course, but weekly attendance, active participation in class work, and homework completion are even more important. Tentative coursework evaluation: Weekly class participation, assignment, and homework (70%), Demonstration, Group and Final presentations (30%).


Allowable if the student has attended more than 2/3 of the classes and has a score of 50% or higher.


David Harrington & Charles LeBeau. Speaking of Speech. Macmillan Languagehouse. ISBN4-89585-211-3


オフィスアワー: juditheph@yahoo.com Please contact me via e-mail when consultation is necessary.