2010年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(前期)

英語 / 発信型英語

English / Communicative English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『発信型英語 / 発信型英語』

非常勤講師・ワイス ドナルド


 水(3.4) 工((電d)2年)




In today's globalized society, the ability to communicate in English is essential for gaining knowledge of world events and for understanding the cutting edge of technological development. Students will be encouraged to learn the words, phrases, and communicative patterns that will help them communicate with peers throughout the world.


There will be lectures, video presentations, and reading and writing exercises, but the main focus will be on active listening, discussions, and presentations. Students will be expected to speak in class and and to communicate regularly with other students and the teacher using web based communication.


Classwork will start with web based study, progress through web based communication, and end with classroom discussions and presentations.


1.By the end of the course, students will be able to participate fully in discussions of current events of interest to them, as well as make formal and informal presentations to their peers.


1.Informal Presentations: introductions and self-introductions. Setting personal goals for the course.
2.Active listening. Describing yourself and others (appearance and clothing).
3.Questioning a speaker. Describing yourself and others (personality and manners).
4.People in the news 1
5.People in the news 2
6.Technology in the news; informal presentations.
7.Technology in the news; discussions.
8.Mid-term evaluation
9.Intensive small group work in class and using teacher-monitored web based communication tools (1)
10.Intensive small group work in class and using teacher-monitored web based communication tools (2)
11.Intensive small group work in class and using teacher-monitored web based communication tools (3)
12.Intensive small group work in class and using teacher-monitored web based communication tools (4)
13.Virtual field trip to the U.S. (1)
14.Virtual field trip to the U.S. (2)
15.Final exam and oral evaluation


Formal presentations, informal presentations, discussions, informal classroom participation, and the final exam/oral evaluation will each count as 20% of the final grade. Students who attend fewer than 11 regular classes (plus the final exam) will not receive a grade.


There is no make-up examination for this course.


All text material will be found on the web or presented as teacher handouts.

