2010年度 工学部 電気電子工学科 昼間コース — [選択] 3年(後期)


Scientific Presentation Skills


The focus of this class is the development of communication and presentation skills.


Students will be provided with ample opportunities, both formal and informal, to improve their ability to communicate. Thus, the basic approach to teaching this course is interactive in nature and students will be expected to actively participate during each class session. The goal is for students to gain experience, and therefore feel more confident and comfortable, in developing and presenting technical and scientific information.






1.How to deliver a speech or a presentation in a professional environment
2.The basic steps necessary to develop a clearly understood presentation
3.How to prepare the content of a presentation or speech
4.Practical experience in public speaking
5.The fundamentals of communicating while using good "body language"


1.Fundamentals of Presentations(I): An easy yet effective "three-step'' approach to preparing either an oral or a written presentation.
2.Fundamentals of Presentations(II): An easy yet effective "three-step'' approach to preparing either an oral or a written presentation.
3.Fundamentals of Presentations(III): An easy yet effective "three-step'' approach to preparing either an oral or a written presentation.
4.Exercise with fundamentals of presentions
5.The importance of body language
6.Using effective body language to communicate with the target audience
7.Pronunciation practice (I): stress (accent) and enunciation
8.Pronunciation practice(II): stress (accent) and enunciation
9.How to incorporate visual aids and other media into the presentation; when and how to use the chalkboard
10.How to incorporate visual aids and other media into the presentation; when to use a power point presentation (PPP)
11.How to evaluate the quality of a presentation as a means of improving one's own skill in delivering a successful presentation
12.Presentation exercises
13.The importance of time: beginning on time and ending on time
14.The place and role of question and answer sessions: how to prepare and how to answer questions from the audience
15.Exercise for question and answer
16.Depending on the interests of the students enrolled in the course other possible topics to be covered could also include, for example: using the internet to conduct research, how to cite internet sources of information, what to avoid when using the internet for research purposes


examination (40%) and presentation excercise (60%)


Nichia STC students


Presenting Science: A Technical English Course for Engineering Majors. (Second Edition). 2008. Macmillan LanguageHouse.


カーペンター(088-656-7643, walter@cicee.tokushima-u.ac(no-spam).jp)
橋爪(E棟3階南 D-2, 088-656-7473, tume@ee.tokushima-u.ac(no-spam).jp)