2011年度 総合科学部 人間文化学科 国際文化コース 学士課程 — [選択] 3年(前期), 4年(前期)



Understanding how to become a scholar-practitioner in the field of education


The seminar is for students who want to be English teachers in the future. In two years and through rigorous research and practice, students will gain the skill, confidence, and motivation needed to become a scholar/practitioner in the TEFL field. We will start by gaining experience as a researcher through practice, as students will become Teaching Assistants (TA) and English Support Room (ESR) staff, and the journey will culminate in a graduation thesis concerning an issue in TEFL. The journey will take place while students are involved in the two ongoing projects.The first project of is to build English skills and acquiring of Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) in which we will aim for a proficiency of Grade P1 on the STEP. The BICS will be the stepping stone to gain Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) needed to discuss, read, and write academically in English. The second project will be teacher pre-service readiness and training. The students will gain experience helping and teaching students in the ESR. In addition, from the second semester the students will gain teaching experience as TAs in English courses for a combination of teaching experience inside and outside the classroom.In sum, this seminar will focus on raising basic and academic English skills and conducting research in the field of pedagogy which should give the students the experience essential for taking the teachers exam as well as becoming a teacher in the future.




1.①【知識・理解】 a) Students will understand how to continue English studies throughout your professional career. b) Students will understand how to conduct action research. ②【汎用的技能】 a) Students will be able to use general English and understand how to continue their pursuit of improving their academic English skills. b) Students will be able to express themselves concerning any issue from a pedagogical perspective. ③【態度・志向性】 a) Students will gain a better understanding of how to improve specific points of English language. b) Students will gain a better understanding of the field of education while being able to tackle problems in their classrooms. ④【統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力】 Students will be confident and possess the skills scholar-practitioner of English education contributing to social change in their own classrooms.


1.Project one: In the first semester, the student will be required to spend time and study in the ESR to gain basic conversational skills and confidence that is essential for furthering academic study through reading and writing in topics related to education. In the second semester the student will focus on studying for the TOEIC or Eiken by balancing test study with academic readings in pedagogy. In the third semester, students will continue academic reading and writing in English and Japanese focusing of the teachers examination. We will also practice essay writing and discussions related to the examination. The fourth semester will focus on continuing studies in education and advancing English skills as well as becoming a mentor for underclassman which will also serve as a much needed reflection before stepping foot in your own classroom. Project two: In the first semester will be discussing how research is conducted culminating with a problem statement and a research question. The second semester will end with a draft of a research plan in which the students will be ready to conduct research related to their thesis topic. The student will be required to finish Chapter 1 (Introduction) and 2 (Literature Review) of their thesis before the start of the third semester. These chapters will prepare the students for conducting research in the third semester and write up Chapter 3 (results) a Chapter 4 (Conclusion) before the beginning of their final semester. If students are on schedule, the final semester will be for students to continue their research in their field perhaps writing another report on the topic to published with the advisor or prepare for the teachers examination.


Assessment will be based on study progress and time allotted to research and English studies.Study time is very important. Though we will hold the seminar every Friday Evening, student are expected to meet with the teacher frequently to discuss matters in education as well as discussing the progress of individual study. The student will also be studying in the ESR to get used to an environment of working among many people as does a teacher in the workforce.






マルカム S.ノールズ(著)渡辺洋子(翻訳)2005年 学習者と教育者のための自己主導型学習ガイドーともに創る学習のすすめ 明石書店 ISBN:475032163X


福田(1号館2階2N15, steve@ias.tokushima-u.ac(no-spam).jp)
オフィスアワー: いつでもE-mailで時間を合わせましょう.