2009年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 発信型英語

English / Communicative English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『発信型英語 / 発信型英語』

鳴門教育大学 准教授・マーシェソ ジェラルド


 火(7・8) 総科((人社E)2)


The purpose of this class is to give students an opportunity to use the skills they have developed in the past, for practical and communicative purposes


Students will complete a variety of tasks which follow several themes through the course of the term. Themes include `talking about cities and places around the world', `vacations students have taken or would like to take' and `describing events and drawing conclusions from evidence'..


This is a practical English class, which means the focus will be on communication. You have already learned a lot of grammar but most of you have not had much opportunity to use what you have learned. In this class, you will be required to actually use the English which you have learned in the past. You have all got a lot of English `packed' inside your head. My job as your teacher is to help you get it out; to give you opportunities to speak. I will teach grammar and vocabulary sometimes, but not usually. Many grammar and vocabulary points will come up in the lesson, as you complete work and talk with your classmates. It is very important to ask questions in class, since this will raise important grammar and vocabulary points.


1.The purpose of this class is to improve English communicative and productive skills. Students will develop confidence as they use English for a variety of functions. Grammar and vocabulary will be dealt with sometimes, but they will arise in context, from students' need to communicate as they complete tasks, rather than being introduced by the teacher without context. Language form will not be viewed as generative, but subservient to communication.


1.Introductions / Getting to know your fellow students and teacher
2.Pronunciation workshop
3.Using past tenses to describe your life
4.Describing other people's life and abilities
5.Presentation preparation
7.Using present tense to talk about University life
8.Comparing Universities in Canada and Japan
9.Using adjectives to talk about neighborhoods in Tokushima
10.Using adjectives to describe various cities
11.Describing your hometown
12.Describing cities and countries around the world
13.Describing neighborhoods in Toronto
14.Choosing an apartment in Toronto (group decision task)
16.Final class


Speaking test: 25%, Presentation: 25%, Homework and participation: 30%, Attendance: 20%


Students who miss the exam or fail to perform adequately will not receive a reexamination except under special circumstances. Sufficient documentation must be provided.


Students will use material prepared by the instructor and self-generated material. There will be no textbook.

