2011年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 主題別英語

English / Thematic English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『主題別英語 / 主題別英語』

非常勤講師・フロスト ダン


 火(3・4) 総科((人文・社創・総理B)1年)


To present topical themes encapsulating grammatical patterns. This encourage the student to see modern global values and see English as an important tool in understanding them. It will also aid their ability to respond appropriately to such ideas.


The course will consist of a series of themes listed below, which will be explored. Students will be required to produce works on those themes to be presented verbally and in writing to enforce the stated goal. These exercises will be derived from handouts as well as from multimedia presentations. Progression through the themes will depend on the student's ability but hopefully one unit will take two classes.


Please always bring dictionary, notebook, pen, pencil, and red pencil to class. Pocket translators can be used.


1.Through the use of ESL activities build up the skill and confidence level of the students
2.Use group work to promote better exploration of the themes
3.Require presentation of work completed to ensure real understanding of the subject matter covered.


1.Nations and Nationalities around the world
2.Brands and Advertising
3.Great People
4.Society, traditions, and problems
5.Dreams, Hopes, and Ambitions


Evaluation is based on attendance, participation in class, completion of homework, as well as examinations.


Consideration will be given for reexamination. Meritorious work will also be accepted in lieu of missed assignments. Individual performance will also affect the final grade


Handouts and other class materials will be given

