2011年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 主題別英語

English / Thematic English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『主題別英語 / 主題別英語』

非常勤講師・バロッグ スザンネ


 水(5・6) 工((建A)1年)


English has become the lingua franca in today's global society. As globalization brings the world closer together, the need for global citizens to be able to communicate clearly in English is becoming more urgent. The aim of this course is to give students the opportunity to practice speaking English with an emphasis on correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. Listening to authentic native speaker pronunciation (through DVD and other media) will be an important part of the course. Practice in the four skills reading, writing, listening and speaking will be provided during class and through homework.


Students will be expected to take part in a number of role-plays and memorize short skits based on movie scenes. Emphasis will be placed on producing good English pronunciation with natural rhythm and intonation. The following schedule is tentative and shows only general topics for each class. It may be modified depending on students' level and interest.


1.Students will gain confidence in their pronunciation and speaking skills.
2.Students will have improved listening comprehension and a more thorough understanding of the English phonetic system and other prosodic features of English.


2.Background to The Sound of Music
3.Listening 1: Maria meets the children
4.Listening 2: In Maria's room
5.Listening 3: Song: Do Re Mi
6.Listening 4: The Captain returns
7.Listening 5: Maria returns to the abbey
8.Listening 6: Climb every mountain
9.Listening Test
10.Listening 7: Maria and the Captain
11.Listening 8: Maria and Liesl
12.Listening 9: Escape from Austria
13.The `real' Maria and her life
14.Listening Test 2
15.Meeting the children 40 years on


Students will be assessed on class participation, listening tests and written assignments. Tentative coursework evaluation: Attendance: 30%, Listening Tests: 40%, Written Assignments: 30%


Allowable if the student has attended more than 2/3 of the classes and has a score of 50% or higher.


Handouts will be prepared by the instructor and no textbook is required.

