2011年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 主題別英語

English / Thematic English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『主題別英語 / 主題別英語』

鳴門教育大学 准教授・マーシェソ ジェラルド


 金(5・6) 工((生A)1年)


This class will focus on primarily on listening, speaking and writing.Students will complete a variety of integrated tasks to improve their General English ability


This class will require students to complete theme-based integrated tasks. Some themes will be general, such as `taking vacations', and other themes will center around the current events and will be decided later (depending on what students wish and what is happening in the news, etc.)


This is a general English course and will focus on many English skills in an integrated way. You have already learned a lot of grammar but most of you have not had much opportunity to use what you have learned. In this class, you will be required to actually use the English which you have learned in the past. You have all got a lot of English 'packed' inside your head. My job as your teacher is to help you get it out; to give you opportunities to speak. I will teach grammar and vocabulary sometimes, but not usually. Many grammar and vocabulary points will come up in the lesson, as you complete work and talk with your classmates. It is very important to ask questions in class, since this will raise important grammar and vocabulary points. Good luck, work hard and have fun


1.The purpose of this class is to improve students' basic English skills.The syllabus will be task based. Tasks will be integrated, targeting a variety of discrete skills. Grammar and vocabulary items will be addressed, but they will be viewed as subservient to meaning, rather than generative and devoid of context. The communicative aspect of language will be at the forefront.


1.Introductions / Getting to know your fellow students and teacher
2.Discussing language learning strategies and goals
3.Pronunciation workshop
4.How to take point form notes effectively
5.Using past tense to talk about events
6.Language for cause and effect, drawing conclusions
7.Expressing cause and effect in writing, developing a written argument
8.Preparation for presentations
10.Using adjectives and descriptive language to describe cities and places
11.Describing your hometown, describing other cities
12.Pragmatically correct usage of various past tenses
13.Describing a vacation you have taken
14.Test practice
16.Final class


Presentation: 25 Homework assignments: 25 Speaking test: 25 Participation and attendance: 25


Students who miss the exam or fail to perform adequately will not receive a reexamination except under special circumstances. Sufficient documentation must be provided.


Students will use material prepared by the instructor and self-generated material. There will be no textbook.

