2011年度 徳島大学 共通教育 基盤形成科目群 — 毎年(後期)

英語 / 発信型英語

English / Communicative English


平成16年度以前 (医保は17年度以前) の授業科目:『発信型英語 / 発信型英語』

非常勤講師・フロスト ダン


 月(1・2) 総科((人文B)2年)


Let the students recognize the global value and necessity of English by presenting topics relevant to modern life. In this way expand the student's grasp of spoken English and their ability to respond appropriately.


The course will consist of a series of exercises to enforce the stated goal. These exercises will be derived from the textbook as well as from outside materials.


Please bring dictionary, notebook, pen,pencil, and red pencil. Pocket translators may also be used.


1.Through the use of ESL activities build up the skill and confidence level of the students


1.Class weekly-schedule: We will follow a systematic overview of important spoken patterns.Speed depends on class comprehension and level. Generally we strive to cover one pattern over 2 classes but may repeat if needed. The patterns will work in a cumulative manner. This schedule will also depend on collateral ESL activities undertaken.
2.Coursework: Assignments will be given based on the need for reinforcement.These regular tasks count toward the final grade. Optional assignments may be added or suggested.
3.An outline of patterns: Self Introduction: present-past. Travel: Past Perfect. Transportation and Services: Adverbs, Wh questions. Travel: Future and necessity Instructions: Sequences. Contrasts: Past Present Comparisons. Jobs, Machines, and Descriptions; Things we do and have.


Evaluation is based on attendance, participation in class, completion of homework, and examination


Consideration will be given for reexamination. Meritorious work will also be accepted in lieu of missed assignments and will affect the final grade.


Class handouts and other materials to be given at the appropriate points.

