2007年度 総合科学部 人間社会学科 欧米言語コース 学部課程 — 3年(前期)
2007年度 総合科学部 人間社会学科 国際文化コース 学部課程 — 3年(前期)
実用英語演習III (その1)
非常勤講師・フェネリー, マーク・グレアム, 石田 メグ, 早内-プリングル ジュディス, スティーヴンズ, メリディス・アン, 吉田 文美 2単位
To give students exposure to and practice with the English writing or speech-making process from collecting ideas to the final version. Students will learn how to build paragraphs and outlines, and proofreading for English essays or speech presentations.
English composition and speech presentation
1. Students must choose one of the four class periods of this course for each semester. 2. Students will be expected to speak and write only in English at class. They will be expected to work not only in class but also out of class; there will be homework and they are expected to do it even if they are absent from class. 3. Following class schedule is tentative and only shows general contents of the textbook used in this course. It may be modified due to the size of each class or other factors.
By the end of this course, students should be able to write and present competently on almost any topic.
1.General Class Guidance
2.Guidance for Each Class
3.Introduction: Process Writing
4.Unit 1: Pre-Writing: Getting Ready to Write (1)
5.Unit 1: Pre-Writing: Getting Ready to Write (2)
6.Unit 2: The Structure of a Paragraph (1)
7.Unit 2: The Structure of a Paragraph (2)
8.Unit 3: The Development of a Paragraph (1)
9.Unit 3: The Development of a Paragraph (2)
10.Unit 4: Descriptive and Process Paragraphs (1)
11.Unit 4: Descriptive and Process Paragraphs (2)
12.Unit 5: Opinion Paragraphs (1)
13.Unit 5: Opinion Paragraphs (2)
14.Unit 6: Comparison/ Contrast Paragraph (1)
15.Unit 6: Comparison/ Contrast Paragraph (2)
16.Final Writing or Short Presentation
Final essay or speech presentation is an important component of this course, but weekly attendance, participation to class work, and homework are even more important. Tentative evaluation scheme: Weekly class participation, assignment, and homework (70%), Final essay or presentation (30%).
Dorothy E. Zemach & Lisa A. Rumisek. Success with College Writing: From Paragraph to Essay. Macmillan Languagehouse, 2003.
→コンテンツサーバ (EDB/CMS)
吉田(2121, 088-656-7124, ayami@ias.tokushima-u.ac(no-spam).jp)
 オフィスアワー: 木曜11:55-12:50
All the four classes are taught by native speakers of English.